Rapid Recall

Developing Excellent Number Skills

Working independently to develop skills one step at a time.

Make rapid recall part of a students daily work flow - just 10 minutes each day.

Working from home is a perfect opportunity to further develop and master number skills.


1. Good number skills give students a solid foundation.

2. Developing number skills while at home means that when students go back to school teachers can use those skills to develop other areas.

3. It works well remotely.


1. Parents/Teachers provide a starting point.

2. Students work independently and at their own pace.

3. Just 10 minutes each day.

Check out our
Rapid Recall help video
Or trial the Rapid Recall program now
Rapid Recall

Student Portal

Students access Rapid Recall from 'quick links' in their student portal.

Rapid Recall Page

Rapid Recall is a sequential number program.

Mastering Skills

Students master each skills using online activities or printables.

When they are ready they attempt the evaluation.


On success a badge is awarded. (This also shows students where they are up to).

Students move onto the next level.

Check out our
Rapid Recall help video
Or trial the Rapid Recall program now
Rapid Recall